Dental Implants

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  • Thursday 10:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Peanut Plaza Dental offers state-of-the-art dental implant treatment, which replaces missing teeth with small metal screws that act like a natural tooth root.

Why choose us at Peanut Plaza Dental?

Our team of experienced and skilled dental professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and results. We’re committed to making sure that you feel confident and well-informed every step of the way. We offer personalized treatment plans that meet your unique needs and offer flexible payment options, including financing, to make dental implants accessible to everyone. Our focus is on providing exceptional before and aftercare support, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have.

How is the service done?

The dental implant process involves several stages, including assessment, implant placement, and restoration finalization. Our team will guide you through each step, ensuring that you feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the process. We offer several implant restoration options, including dental crowns, dental bridges, and implant-supported dentures.

Features and Benefits

Dental implants offer numerous benefits, including restoring your natural appearance, feeling confident in your comfort, and improving bone strength. With proper oral hygiene, they can last for decades and prevent or correct issues such as bone resorption, shifting teeth, discomfort while eating, and a lack of confidence in your smile.

Why is this service important to your dental health?

Losing just one tooth can have a significant impact on your oral health and the appearance of your face. Dental implants provide a long-term solution that feels natural and prevents further damage. By replacing lost teeth with implants, you can restore the function and appearance of your teeth and prevent or correct a variety of dental issues.

If you’re ready to restore your smile and improve your oral health with dental implants, book a consultation with us today. Our team will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and answer any questions you may have. Call us at 416-499-3055 or request an appointment online. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!


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